Strategic report
Nanoco Group plc – Annual Report and Accounts 2023
Nanoco Group plc – Annual Report and Accounts 2023
TCFD disclosure 2023
Nanoco recognises and acknowledges
the serious challenges presented by the
climate crisis to governments, businesses
and communities around the globe.
Our direct exposure to climate-related
risks is limited, but the group is
nonetheless committed to playing its
part to mitigate the environmental
impacts of our activities and to enhance
our resilience to the uncertainties posed
by climate change.
As a premium-listed organisation,
Nanoco is obliged to make climate-
related financial disclosures consistent
with the TCFD framework in line with
Listing Rule 9.8.6R(8). Despite being a
small organisation with only 43
employees at year end (excluding
Non-Executive Directors) and turnover
of c.£5.6 million, the business has made
progress towards meeting its TCFD
obligations. Limited resources and our
obvious current strategic focus on
protecting the group’s operational
and R&D capabilities mean that the
disclosures that follow are therefore
not yet fully aligned with the TCFD
recommendations at this time. The group
is compliant in seven areas out of eleven
(as shown in the table overleaf), with
a strategy and metrics yet to be fully
developed. These are detailed in the
table overleaf. Where not yet compliant,
the group will incorporate target
compliance dates into the ESG strategy,
which will be reported on in FY24.
The group is taking progressive steps
towards building climate knowledge
and capacity, as outlined by the 2024
planned actions described in this
statement which we will endeavour to
complete within the next reporting cycle.
The Board takes responsibility for the
oversight of all strategic risks facing
the business. ESG issues, including the
risks associated with climate change,
currently fall within the remit of the ESG
Steering Committee which was
established post year end. The ESG
Steering Committee is a cross-functional
group with representation at Board level
from the CFO. The CFO ultimately takes
responsibility for reporting any relevant
environmental or climate-related risks
to the Board and its Committees,
and keeps the Board abreast of
developments in reporting and
performance requirements. ESG matters
are currently discussed ad hoc, but will
be included on the Board agenda every
six months going forward.
Board’s members have relevant
capabilities related to climate risks
and opportunities, including significant
experience navigating energy markets.
The Board acknowledges it can improve
upon its broader ESG skill set and
knowledge base, which will be
considered by the Nominations
Committee as part of any future
appointments. Training is also occurring
at Board level on ESG matters to improve
the existing skill set. Read more about
the Board’s roles and responsibilities on
pages 39 to 40.
The leadership team is responsible
for the day-to-day management of
operational risks. To support oversight
of operational risks, the leadership team
maintains a risk register of identifiable
risks to the business. Within this register,
the potential impact of climate change
is currently highlighted as a
macroeconomic risk factor. However, no
specific significant risks were identified
relating to climate related factors. If any
risks are identified in the future, these will
be added to the risk register. Read more
about our approach to governing and
managing risks on page 33.
Improvements to date:
post year end, established an ESG
steering committee with Board
representation who meet every two
weeks and assess any identified risks;
Nanoco acknowledges the need to
conduct more comprehensive
identification and assessment of
climate-related risks and opportunities,
as well as the potential impacts of those
risks and opportunities on the business
model and the organisation’s strategic
resilience over various timeframes.
We outline our initial consideration of
climate-related risks within this section,
with a focus on transition risks as
the area where Nanoco has the
most exposure.
Nanoco’s products are inputs into
consumer goods, and macroeconomic
pressures driven by climate-related
hazards could impact the future
revenues of the business. The group also
acknowledges the potential reputational
consequences of failing to meet the
climate expectations of stakeholders as
the world transitions to a low carbon
economy. In effect, the group’s climate-
related risks are indirect.
In addition to enhancing our
understanding of the climate-related
risks that could impact our business,
the Group actively seeks to mitigate
its impacts on the climate. During the
financial year, we had a number of LEAN
projects ongoing which all carried
objectives of reducing waste or
inefficiencies. All staff are LEAN trained,
and we will continue a focus on this in
FY24. The group promotes low carbon
working patterns, including car sharing
and cycle-to-work schemes, as well as
an electric vehicle (“EV”) salary sacrifice
scheme. Where possible, we use video
conferencing instead of face-to-face
meetings, reducing travel-related costs
and emissions.
During the year, Nanoco have performed
an assessment of the risks and
opportunities related to climate change,
and have not identified any which are
significant or could have a significant
financial impact on the Company.
In consideration of climate-related
opportunities, Nanoco’s product portfolio
has potential to support the energy
transition. The Group’s technologies can
support the energy efficiency objectives
of our customers. Nanoco’s products are
also notably free of toxic cadmium,
which reduces emissions associated with
managing the disposal of toxic waste.
Read more about the group’s initiatives
to promote low carbon practices in its
operations on page 41.
2024 planned actions to enhance
embed climate-related issues into
updates provided on staff days and
within employee surveys to enhance
engagement across the business on
the topic of climate risk;
the ESG Steering Committee will
explore opportunities to further
mitigate Nanoco’s impact on the
climate and conduct a deeper
assessment of climate-related risks,
including the potential impact of risks
on capital expenditure plans, future
strategy and financial planning; and
engage a third party to conduct
qualitative climate scenario analysis
in FY24.
Risk management
As part of the risk management process,
all potential risks are assessed according
to the probability of the risk occurring
and the potential impact should the risk
be realised. These include risks related to
current and emerging regulations. In
respect to climate change, the group
has concluded through initial qualitative
assessment and discussion that the
business has relatively low exposure to
climate-related risks.
However, the group acknowledges that
the growing attention on ESG and the
widespread consequences of the climate
crisis will leave no business untouched.
In light of these transformations and
following an annual review of the group
risk register, Nanoco incorporated
potential ESG risks to the register in the
financial year, which included a more
robust assessment of the group’s
exposure to climate-related risks. The
integration of these risks into the register
will lead to a review of the controls and
action plans associated with the
management process. Read more
about the group’s approach to risk
management on page 33.
Improvements to date:
incorporated ESG risks into the risk
register review process, including
potential mitigating actions.
2024 planned actions to enhance
continue to monitor and identify new
ESG risks with the support and input
of the new ESG steering committee;
embed consideration of potential
climate impacts in the controls and
action plans related to the
management of risk; and
implement ISO 14001 (Environmental
Metrics and targets
Nanoco monitors and reports
environmental performance indicators
including waste and energy efficiency
metrics. The Group’s greenhouse gas
emissions, including its scope 3 emissions
related to business travel, can be viewed
on page 41.
The Group does not currently monitor
any additional climate-related metrics,
and therefore has not set any climate-
related targets. As the Group continues
to assess the materiality of climate-
related risks and opportunities, we will
consider whether new data should be
collected and whether relevant targets
should be set.
2024 planned actions to enhance
revisit the materiality of scope 3
categories to determine whether
additional data is needed to
understand the full climate impacts
and exposure of the Group;
evaluate whether meaningful metrics
and targets can be introduced to
communicate the energy saving
potential of our products to
establish long-term targets for
ESG; and
work with our landlords to devise
strategies to reduce our on-site
energy consumption.
4 TCFD pillars 11 TCFD recommended disclosures Description and reference
Describe the Board’s oversight of climate-related risks
and opportunities
To be further developed in FY24
Key risks and responsibilities - P38,
Corporate Governance - P48
Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climate
related risks and opportunities
To be further developed in FY24
Key risks and responsibilities - P38
Strategy Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the
organisation has identified over the short, medium, and long term
To be further developed in FY24 C
Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities
on the organisation’s business, strategy, and financial planning
To be further developed in FY24 C
Describe the resilience of the organisation’s strategy, taking into
consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a
2°C or lower scenario
To be further developed in FY24
Describe the organisation’s processes for identifying and
assessing climate-related risks
Key risks and responsibilities - P38 C
Describe the organisation’s processes for managing climate-
related risks
Key risks and responsibilities - P38 C
Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing
climate-related risks are integrated into the organisation’s overall
risk management
Key risks and responsibilities - P38 C
Metrics and
Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess climate
related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk
management process
To be developed further in FY24
- current metrics disclosed on P41
Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3
greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions and the related risks
To be developed further in FY24
- current metrics disclosed on P41
Describe the targets used by the organisation to manage climate
related risks and opportunities and performance against targets
To be further developed in FY24
– Compliant with TCFD recommendation